Marmiteboy - Urbane Warrior.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Rain, rain Go Away.

Typical bloody weather. What a lovely prospect, sleeping in a tent in the middle of a field whilst it's pouring with rain. You see I don't do tents usually. Horrible things tents, no home comforts, no hot running water, no loo and most importantly no comfy bed with sheets and pillows.

Unfortunately this is what awaits me tomorrow as I set out for the Carling Festival at Reading to steward for the first time. The weather forecast is not good. Still us crips are made of stern stuff and once my loins are girded I'll be off.

I had retired from festivals but those very nice people at Attitude is Everything e-mailed me the other week as they were looking to recruit disabled stewards to work on the disabled viewing platforms at the Carling Weekends at Reading and Leeds. As a crip and massive music fan I jumped (well sorta stumbled ;)) at the chance sent off an application form and Bob's yer Dad's Brother.

I'm looking forward to seeing some top bands over the weekend especially The Pixies and Dinosaur Jnr.

Currently on Marmiteboy's cd player are the following albums.

Rockin The Suburbs. Ben Folds
Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables Dead Kennedys
Funeral Arcade Fire
The Magic Numbers The Magic Numbers
Form Of..... Berg Sans Nipple
Bug Dinosaur Jnr
The Back Room Editors
Oscillons From The Anti-Sun Stereolab
Push Barman To Open Old Wounds Belle and Sebastian.


Marmiteboy x

Marmiteboy says hello

Hi everyone,

This is my first ever attempt at doing this blogging lark, so I'll be brief as th etime is about to run out at library computer.

I'm off to The Carling Weekend festival as a steward tomorrow so I hope to tell you all about it soon.