Marmiteboy - Urbane Warrior.

Friday, September 09, 2005


My Mum and Dad arrive later from Cornwall in preparation of this wedding we've got to go to tomorrow. Now I'm looking forward to this as I don't get to see 'em that much. It does mean however that I've got to do...HOUSEWORK!!!!

I quick flick round with the Dyson isn't really good enough I'm afraid, so it'll require the full works. Housework is that thing that I always mean to do but I'm nearly always too knackered to actually complete. And when I'm not to knackered or sore I can't be arsed because the housework will make me knackered and sore.

But it's got to to be done. It means cleaning the bathroom (it's not dirty but there is my clean and my Mum's clean), dusting, hoovering, changing the bed clothes so they can sleep in my bed, chucking all the accumalated shite that I've meant to chuck out for ages blah, blah, blah...

Being a crip and doing housework is not something that goes hand in hand really is it? I know my Mum will be in the kitchen tidying up before you can say 'cream cleanser' as well. So is it really worth doing...?


Blogger Luke said...


11:24 am

Blogger Katie said...

Ooer! Marmiteboy! I sympathise with you doing housework before your parents come, I always feel angry when Dad sees something I haven't done and he has to nag about it!

The answer to that is tidy your stuff quick before your parents come and hide anything you don't want them to see!
Good Luck Marmiteboy!!!!

1:00 am

Blogger Katie said...

Another tip for housework Marmiteboy is to put some music on that you like or a comedy tape, It always works for me when I have to do my washing up and I normally put my Dead Ringers CD on and that calms me down but your favourites will help you to calm down while doing housework!

Hope my tip works!!!!!

1:04 am


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